There are several locations of interest on the UCSB campus:
- "Top": Campbell Auditorium. Crypto talks, except for the rump session.
On the map below, look for the red arrow saying "Information kiosk";
Campbell is the circular building slightly down and to the right.
- "Bottom left": Corwin Pavilion, the adjacent Lagoon Plaza, and the nearby Storke Plaza.
Crypto rump session, CHES talks, FDTC talks, and SHA-3 talks.
On the map below, look for the red arrow saying "University Center";
Corwin is part of the University Center,
Lagoon Plaza is the empty area below the University Center,
Storke Plaza is the empty area above the University Center,
and MCC (FDTC) is just to the right of Corwin.
- "Bottom middle": De La Guerra Dining Commons.
Starting from Corwin on the map, look down and to the right.
- "Bottom right": Anacapa and Santa Rosa. These are the dormitories where almost everybody sleeps.
This is also the center of Crypto social activity,
including the Sunday dinner, the Monday dinner, and birds-of-a-feather sessions.
Starting from Corwin on the map, look to the right.
- "Far right": The beach. Crypto beach barbecue.
This is off the map to the right,
about a 20-minute walk.
The main off-campus location of interest is the airport,
about a 5-minute drive north from UCSB.
There is one extra off-campus location this year:
the CHES events Thursday evening will be held at the Four Seasons Biltmore,
about a 20-minute drive east from UCSB.
Here's a copy of the official campus map
from http://www.aw.id.ucsb.edu/maps/ucsbmap.html:
This is version 2010.08.11 of the maps.html web page.